
Showing posts from December, 2019


HELLO friends and family!!!! I woke up awhile before the alarm this morning and was just laying in bed FREAKING OUT that this is my last week!!!! Ahh I can't believe that this amazing experience really is wrapping up. This week has been full of magical adventures!!! Here are the highlights: -Had a little sisters Christmas party with Sister Fisher -Flew to SAINT LUCIA!! We got to go have exchanges with two sets of sisters there, and it was so cool to discover a new island! We were picked up by the Boggs, a really awesome couple, and then I worked with Sister Auria for the day. We spent the whole day in the same area working with a member named Sister Joseph, and we talked to a lot of friends they have there!  In Saint Lucia they speak creole, but they call it patois. But it was so cool to hear Creole again!! It was like music to my ears :) -The next day we headed to the north of the island, and I spent the day with Sister Bokai!! We c

Week 80 - Love wunna

aa Good morning everyone! (PS. Wunna is Bajan for "you guys") Another week of hard work COMPLETE!! Can't believe how quickly time is flying by. Good thing I got really sunburned this week because I'm going to be in the snowy cold again in just a little over a week now  This week started off with my very last Zone Conference.... I felt like kind of an emotional wreck the whole time haha. As soon as Sister Pennell and I walked into the room, all the Elders stood up for us as we sat down, and then President Fisher gave us some amazing counsel and I feel like I got a lot of inspiration for not just until the end of my mission, but also a lot of things that will bless me when I'm back home as well. I was really grateful for that :) Sister Fisher led a great discussion as well about Captain Moroni and how the very powers of hell would have no power if we were all like him!  We sang "Le coque est mort" for one of my last times (this is a

Week 79 - I worked so hard my chacos actually broke

HELLO everyone!!  So this week, I looked at the bottom of my chacos, and realized they're both splitting and breaking!! A couple weeks ago I said Sister Pennell and I would work so hard our chacos would break, and it looks like I got there! (don't worry mom, they're still wearable and I'll get through)  But we have been working really hard this week! It was very full of meetings with Mission Leadership Conference, a Trainer/Trainee meeting, a District Leader/Sister Training Leader meeting, and a fireside with Elder Brown of the 70! So whenever Sister Pennell had time we were running around like crazy in the streets sharing the Gospel with everyone we saw and it was a BLAST! I'm starting to get a little emotional that I don't have much more time left...  This week we also had a great lesson with our branch president's wife, who is not yet a member! I felt kind of like I was teaching in America because over half the people in the room w

Week 78 - Heeeeyyy, white people!! WHITE PEOPLE!!! WHIIITTEE!!

Helloooo everybody!!  This was a really happy week because we got to get out of that house and do missionary work!! Sister Pennell got cured, and I was spared from the plague so that meant we got to talk to lots of people and enjoy being missionaries :) We got struck by a power outage this week and had to search for neighborhoods at night time that had lights on so we wouldn't be out in the darkness. We did work in the area book by flashlight and I grew more appreciation for actually having electricity haha. Miracles happen, though, because the power came back on before we had to go to sleep with no A/C  This has been a week of lots of contacting, which is awesome! President Fisher invited us to share the First Vision with 20 people every week, so we had to learn how to tie that into contacting more. It's been a really cool experience actually, and I've come to love sharing it more and more! People respond to it really well, and I think it sparks interest in the

Week 77 part 2 - random photos


Week 77 - Struck by the Flu

HELLO friends and family!! This was an interesting week and it sort of felt like an eternity haha. It started off super well actually, as Sister MacDonald and I got to welcome in two new sister missionaries to the mission!! They're soo sweet and I'm really excited to see all the amazing things they'll accomplish. We got to work with each other for a bit, and I was thankful because working with new missionaries has become one of my favorite things :)  The middle of the week, we were crazy busy with transfers! My new companion Sister Pennell came in from Saint Lucia and she's wonderful. We helped our old companions, Sister MacDonald and Sister Johnson, get ready to go home, and then on Friday Sister Pennell came down with a pretty bad case of the flu and we had to stay inside basically for three days. It was pretty sad not being able to get out and talk to people. I also really missed the sunshine. I got to run outside on Sunday to take some trash ou