
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 38 - A Spiritual Feast

. Bonjour! ça va? :) Wow! This was an awesome week :) Tuesday was absolutely incredible. That night we had a lesson with three young kids from Saint Martin. Their family are all members of the church, but they have not been baptized yet. Recently they started coming to church with their grandma and they said they all three want to be baptized!! So we had an amazing lesson with them on Tuesday about the Restoration and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They loved answering our questions and sharing their thoughts about the Gospel. All three of them have incredibly strong testimonies. There is one 13 year old girl and then twin boys who just turned 11 (Tuesday was their birthday so we got to eat cake with them!). They have a really amazing story. They lived in Saint Martin growing up, until the island was hit a few years ago by a really bad hurricane that basically wiped out the island. They told us their story of following the spirit to go to a room in their house where they would be prot


Hello my dear friends and family!! Hope you've had a great week! Things here in Guadeloupe have been going SO well! Tuesday was awesome because a recent convert in our area, Junior, came to our district counsel! He shared his thoughts and story of conversion. I learned so much from him. He talked about how it was nothing that the missionaries said that converted him to the Gospel, but it was all about the love he was able to feel through them, their patience, and the spirit he felt in the lessons. Also this week we had exchanges! This time we stayed in our area and the sister training leaders came to us! It was SUPER fun and we had tons of cool things happen! On Thursday night we went out to eat some super good grilled chicken and fries. We were accidently given one serving too many, but the vendors refused to let us return it. Then, this sweet little old woman comes walking up to us all asks us if we're missionaries. We say yes, and she tells us that she has visited Te

Week 36 - Salut!!

Salut!!! ça va?? Hope everyone had a great week as usual! Island life here in Guadeloupe is going pretty dandy! It started off really good with an awesome district council on Tuesday about the Spirit and revelation. It's incredible that each and every one of us, as children of our All-Knowing Heavenly Father, have the right and privelage to receive answers, guidance, and comfort directly from Him? On Tuesday we had almost an entire day of contacting out in the sun, and it was AMAZING!! We talked to a lot of people that were really cool and interested. We made a run to Burger King for dinner and there was a super adorable little girl there that I played hide and seek with while we waited for our food. On Thursday we taught a lesson to a really amazing woman, and her little 6 month old grandbaby was there. Man oh man was it hard to stay focused during that lesson, that baby was cuuuuttee!! It was one of the sweetest things, Soeur Elise, the member we brought with us,

Week 35 - We FINALLY got to do Service!!!

Bonjoouuurr!!!  This week was so cool. We did lots of contacting and met a LOT of super cool people!! Things just seemed to fall into place and we always felt confirmation that we were in the right place at the right time. We saw lots of miracles and felt Heavenly Father directing us in every little thing.  On Tuesday the MOST AMAZING thing happened. We were contacting in these beautiful apartments at night that are on the top of this hill. The view was beautiful!! So we were walking along in the parking lot heading into a building when I notice some women sitting in a stopped car pulled over. I don't think my companions saw them, but I felt prompted to stop and talk to them. They honestly didn't seem all that interested-- I interrupted them while they were in the middle of a conversation so just quickly handed them a brochure and caught up to my companions. We went on with the night, met some mild success in the apartments, but we were leaving that night without one co