
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week 70 - Funniest transfer call of my life

BONJOUR!! This week was pretty much full of craziness, but it was a good one! My companion and I left the area of Abymes on Friday night, so that week was full of lots of goodbyes. Luckily I didn't get moved off the island though, so I'll still be able to see everyone every once in awhile!  Now I'm serving in a trio with Soeur Kitchen and Soeur Watling back in Sainte Rose, it's been so fun!!  Although the last few days in Abymes were crazy busy, we had a lot of very incredible experiences! Welkens, who I wrote about last week, progressed SO much. He's already in 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon and has committed to read five chapters a day! He said the book has really changed his life and brought something special to it. He decided he wants to be baptized on October 12!! We are SOO excited for him! He's this super cool, young, classic Haitain guy and he'll be a great addition to the branch in Abymes :) This week we also sent the Laynes back home!

Week 69 - Think about how you're BLESSED, not how you're stressed!

Bonjour tout le monde!!! <3 <3 I hope your week was super wonderful! We had a sort of crazy week but I got to participate in a few of my favorite things: baptisms, weddings, and people coming to church for the first time! On Monday (this will be a shocker to those who know me well) I ate SUSHI!! Okay, it wasn't really legit sushi because it was with chicken instead of fish, but still! I was pretty proud of myself and maybe it'll help me one day eat sushi with fish haha :) On Tuesday we had a really cool lesson with Marie-France, a recent convert, and our friend Yvrose! She's a friend that we found last week, and it was actually a really amazing experience. The night before meeting her, I felt really strongly during my prayer before going to bed that the next day, we were going to find someone who would be baptized. I asked Heavenly Father to lead us the next day to whoever that person would be... and we met Yvrose! She's been a member of the protesta

Week 68 - Making new friends with Caribbean people is my favorite

Bonjour!!!  This week was CRAZY busy but it was so so good!! HIGHLIGHTS-- -We worked with members a LOT this week (which contributed to the craziness since we had to pick a lot of them up) but it was so worth it. Having a member there makes such a huge difference and I think we were so lucky to work so much with them this week! Plus we can ask them our french questions which is always helpful because apparently I almost accidentally swore at somebody without having the slightest idea haha! Soo hooray for members!! :D -We found GOOD donuts at a gas station. I really miss those classic glazed donuts from Krispy Kreme, but these donuts  kinda  filled that void in my life -We worked with a member who recently moved here from Haiti, she is the SWEETEST thing on the whole planet. We had lots of traffic driving her to and from the lesson we brought her to, so we chatted almost the whole time and she told me a lot about her life in Haiti, her kids, and her conversion stor

Week 67 - I left the island!!

Hello everybody!! This week we had a lot of really amazing experiences :) On Monday we went with the sisters to Sainte Anne and ate lunch by the ocean, it was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!! On Tuesday we continued helping our friend Moania clean up her new house, doing service is really fun and we got to know Moania a lot more as we painted and picked up trash. She said this week we can make banane pesée together and I can't wait <3 On Wednesday we were really blessed! As we were contacting in this one neighborhood, we ended up to-to-to-ing at this hospital/rehab/recovery center place! Which was funny because to us it just looked like a normal house haha. But a nurse came out and spoke to us, and said there were a couple patients who are really religious that would love to speak with us. So we sat out on the porch and talked to this one man, with the nurse, and it was really interesting! I never thought I'd be teaching in a situation like that, but it actually was pretty co

Week 66 - It's raining MIRACLES, Hallelujah!!

BONJOUR everyone and welcome to September!! I can't believe school is starting up again and for the second time around now, I'm not goin'!! Haha I feel a little rebellious not going to school just because it's so engrained as what I do in September but serving a mission is kind of like school but in a different way :) Anyways, we had a really wonderful week! We sent Soeur Morrell off back to her birthplace of Guyane super early on Friday morning, so now we're down to Soeur Herrera and I! Things are slowly starting to feel like normal again. Highlights of the week: -Had a super fun FHE with a less-active family where we read Alma 24 and talked about "burying our swords," or things we can do to repent and come closer to Christ.  -District councils are all in French now because our district leader is Tahitian!  -Met with a really cool older man named Bruno. He opened up to us a lot about some hard things, like his wife passing away. He wan