Week 35 - We FINALLY got to do Service!!!


This week was so cool. We did lots of contacting and met a LOT of super cool people!! Things just seemed to fall into place and we always felt confirmation that we were in the right place at the right time. We saw lots of miracles and felt Heavenly Father directing us in every little thing. 

On Tuesday the MOST AMAZING thing happened. We were contacting in these beautiful apartments at night that are on the top of this hill. The view was beautiful!! So we were walking along in the parking lot heading into a building when I notice some women sitting in a stopped car pulled over. I don't think my companions saw them, but I felt prompted to stop and talk to them. They honestly didn't seem all that interested-- I interrupted them while they were in the middle of a conversation so just quickly handed them a brochure and caught up to my companions. We went on with the night, met some mild success in the apartments, but we were leaving that night without one contact written in my planner. I was feeling a little sad about not having gotten a contact that day. But then, as we walked past that car that I talked to earlier, one of the women jumped out of the car and yelled at us, "Wait!! Are you the girls with that book?" So we stopped and showed her a Book of Mormon, and we were like, "you mean this book?" and she lights up and says, "Yes!! Can I please have one??" So of course we gave her one, exchanged information and we have a lot of hope that she'll the blessings from the Book of Mormon in her life!! That was a testimony builder for me that Heavenly Father always puts prepared people on our path, He helps us achieve our goals, and He loves each and every one of His children.

On Wednesday we stopped by a member's home, Soeur Point-du-Jour, for her birthday!! She is so sweet. She's Haitain, which of  course made my heart explode with joy because being in Guyane just gave me the softest soft spot for Haitains haha.
I'm going to try learning Haitain Creole now that I can basically get by in French-- one of the Elders speaks it really well and let us borrow a book to help us learn it, so Soeur Hamner and I are going to start doing that! :)

On Thursday we saw a recent convert, Junior, he is amazing. That night we did contacting in this downtown type place-- had some kinda weird experiences there but also met some REALLY cool people, so that was awesome :)

On Friday we decided to do a service walk. In this mission we're allowed to do 4 hours of set apart service time a week, but that almost never happens because when we ask to help people, they always say no because we're in dresses. Soo we had the idea to wear service clothes and do a service walk, where we talk to everyone we see and offer to do service for them. It was AWESOME. We only had to ask two people before this guy on the side of the road weed whacking took us up on the offer! We helped him rake up all the leaves and grass and stuff and then cleaned up this entire outdoor basketball court. We got a little sunburned and sweaty and blisters-- it was AWESOME!! I've been dying to do service for so long, so that was such a blessing!

This week we also continued teaching a friend, Widmy. I dont remember if I explained already, but he was referred to us by another person we're teaching. He's AWESOME. He's also Haitain and he lived in Guyane for about 3 years, so I was so excited to talk to him. He's very receptive and wants to get baptized! I honestly think he will be baptized by next month :)

Church on Sunday was so great for me. The members seriously were lining up to bear testimony during the fast and testimony meeting, and I felt the spirit soo strongly.I felt a confirmation that this Gospel is true, a burning in my chest reminding me that the Savior knows and loves me, even admist my weaknesses, mistakes, and trials.

What else... This week I also started driving again, which has been a blast. Who knew driving on an island was so fun?? There's lots of hills and fun things in the road that keep life exciting. This morning we drove up to a little canyon to do a hike with all the Zone, and the drive was breathtaking. Our poor little car had a hard time getting up some of those hills but it all worked out. On the hike my feet got caked about an inch thick with mud, haha. I probably should've worn tennis shoes instead of my chacos-- lesson learned, haha :)

I love you all and hope you have a really wonderful week. I hear  you're getting snowed in over there, stay safe and warm!!

Bisous :)
Soeur Gardner


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