Week 78 - Heeeeyyy, white people!! WHITE PEOPLE!!! WHIIITTEE!!

Helloooo everybody!! 
This was a really happy week because we got to get out of that house and do missionary work!! Sister Pennell got cured, and I was spared from the plague so that meant we got to talk to lots of people and enjoy being missionaries :)

We got struck by a power outage this week and had to search for neighborhoods at night time that had lights on so we wouldn't be out in the darkness. We did work in the area book by flashlight and I grew more appreciation for actually having electricity haha. Miracles happen, though, because the power came back on before we had to go to sleep with no A/C ๐Ÿ™

This has been a week of lots of contacting, which is awesome! President Fisher invited us to share the First Vision with 20 people every week, so we had to learn how to tie that into contacting more. It's been a really cool experience actually, and I've come to love sharing it more and more! People respond to it really well, and I think it sparks interest in them to learn more about the wonderful message of the Restoration.

We taught a wonderful woman named Trisha, along with her family. I LOVE THEM!! Each one of them has such a great, hilarious character. Her Granny blows us kisses all the time, her aunt is afraid to be baptized because she hates the water (even though she was raised like 10 minutes from the ocean), she has a sweet teenage daughter, her son is 7 and is a little stinker, and her 3 year old daughter is a cutie pie. Trisha is working towards baptism and we're hoping the rest of her family will follow her lead!!

One day when we were going to teach Trisha with a member, Sister Sinckler, who served a mission, Trisha was help up at work and wasn't there for the lesson. We ended up talking to a bunch of the neighbors with Sister Sinckler and we met a bunch of cool people!! At one point we were let into this kind old lady's home, and a little boy we had met earlier followed us there and then spent the WHOLE LESSON trying to get our attention by yelling, "Hey, white people!! heeyyy!!! WHITE!! WHIITTEE!!" ๐Ÿ˜‚

Happy news: I got to work with Sister Harward, one of the new sisters, again this week because of exchanges!! We had so much fun and she's already learned so much in just a week and a half. I honored my late companion, Sister MacDonald, by cracking some McDonald's jokes when we met a guy named McDonald. I thought it was pretty funny, luckily he did too and then we went on to have a conversation about our favorite foods and then about how we can find the TRUTH!! It was a nice contact!
The rain dumped on us as we were walking home and I was embracing the warm islandy life :)

More happy news! 4 people that I got to teach right before I left Guadeloupe got baptized this week!! They're all youth who were raised in the church pretty much but hadn't been baptized yet, and I'm sooo happy for them! ❤

Sister Pennell and I got specially invited to a fancy Sunday dinner with all the senior missionaries on Barbados and I was lovin' life talking with all them :)

This week we've been going ham on memorizing the Living Christ and I'm almost done! Memorizing it has been a great experience that I've learned a lot from. The way it talks about the Savior is really touching and I've come to love reading it.

I love you all TONS!! Happy Thanksgiving to you! :)
Sister Gardner


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