Hi everyone!!

Once again, I had a super wonderful week full of amazing people and experiences!!

The highlight of the day on Tuesday was seeing Yvelt, the guy we're teaching who's whole family joined the church a couple years ago. He just got to Guadeloupe and so we started teaching him-- and man, he is SO cool!! We had an incredible lesson with him and the Elder's Quorum president where the Spirit was so strong. It was amazing just watching his concerns being worked out as the spirit touched his heart and taught him so much better than we can.

Thursday was another miraculous day. We had a lesson scheduled with our really amazing friend Alex, but he wasn't there. His mom, who is a super tender-hearted and loving older woman, was there though and she started talking about some of the trials she's going through-- her husband is very, very sick and she recently lost two of her children as well. She feels heartbroken and was having a really difficult time finding any hope. She allowed us to sit down in her home and share a message with her-- and by the end she said that she felt SO much better and that we were sent by God to bring peace back into her heart. It was a really special experience, and now her and Alex are both on this journey together of learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and finding true, eternal joy :)

Also that night one of the counselors in the branch presidency, Frere Miguel, started up an exercise class called "Cool and Fit!!!" at the church-- it was super super fun going and getting a work out with the members haha!

The next day we went to see Junie (our super wonderful friend who is getting baptized!!!!) with Frere Miguel, it was SO good! She makes my heart just explode with love and joy every time I see her-- and her adorable kids haha :) 

On Saturday it was my wonderful, beautiful companion's birthday!!!! She's 21 now so she's gettin' a little old, but she's hanging in there ;) It was an awesome day because we saw Yvelt again, ran into this super funny guy we met a couple months ago that looks like Albert Einstein and he bought us water and called us rays of sunshine and gave us a little pep talk, then we stopped by Alex's house and we got lucky and happened to catch him while he was there, then Junie had her baptism interview and it was AWESOME, and we went to Albie's restaurant for Soeur Christianson's special birthday dinner while a bike race was going on outside! All in all it was a super wonderful day, and at the end of the night, again my heart was just swelling with so much love for the people in my life. I reflected a little on all the wonderful people I've gotten the chance to meet on my mission, and I can't even explain to you how big of an impact they've had on my life. So, so incredibly thankful and blessed ❤

Sunday was cool because a new member moved in!!! He's Tahitian but had been living in France for quite a while. He works for the military and he's super cool, we're really excited to have him in the branch now!!

I hope you're all doing well too!!! Have a super great week!
Soeur Gardner


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