Week 39 - Ahhh My Heart!!!

Bonjouuuurr!!! I hope you're all doing well and having a great week!!

We had a pretty awesome week!! On Tuesday we had as awesome lesson with the three young kids from Saint Martin who are getting baptized this Saturday!! We took Soeur Felicité, the primary president, and it was SUCH a fun lesson about the Plan of Salvation and the commandments! The kids continue to impress me more and more each time I see them. They're insanely strong! 

On Wednesday we had some other really awesome lessons! One with Danielle, a young mom with a 7 year old son and a little baby girl. And then we had an awesome lesson with Brendon, our other friend preparing for baptism!! He's making a lot of changes in his life and we're so extremely proud of him.

On Thursday we met some REALLY cool people contacting, including a really sweet old woman who talked our ear off a bit (she's the cutest) and these two women who were really interested to find out more about our beliefs! 

Friday was kind of crazy with lots of lessons and branch counsel, but we had one lesson with a new friend, she's SO cool! She takes pictures and writes poems, and reads the Book of Mormon like crazy and takes lots of notes!! We are all super excited about her as well!

Saturday was the craziest day because we got to go to a baptism in another branch and then do a free car wash at the church! All the missionaries got together and we had a blast trying to wave cars down! A couple members were there too to give tours of the church to those who came, and everyone who came LOVED it and wanted to learn more!! It was seriously a miracle!! 

That night we got transfer calls!! We found out that Soeur Hamner is staying in Abymes, that Soeur Johnson is going to Saint Martin (an island that's been closed to sisters for a few years because of a hurricane), and I'm going to Saint Rose, to another area in Guadeloupe!! My new companion will be Soeur Christianson, she's SUPER sweet and I just know it will be awesome! And I'm super excited because we'll get to serve as sister training leaders together!! It'll be such an incredible opportunity to serve and love the missionaries in this awesome mission even more. I know I'll learn a lot from that too and I'm excited to learn TONS from the other sisters too!!

Sunday was a little bittersweet since I'll be leaving this branch and had to say goodbyes, but thankfully I won't be too far and will still see them all at district activities, which I'm super thankful for :) We had a friend Steevenson come to church as well who will probably get baptized this transfer!! We had a member follow us to go pick him up, and the member bore his testimony later at church about how we remind him of the Spice Girls because we're so courageous going into these little offstreets of Guadeloupe! Haha he cracked us up :)

Before I go I just want to leave you all with my testimony that this Gospel is deeply and beautifully true. I have seen God's hand in my life and my work, and I know that He is there. I know that anything that comes into our path is overcomable because of Jesus Christ, our Savior. I love this island, I love these people, I love this Gospel, AND I love YOU!! 

Have an awesome week!! :)
Soeur Gardner


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