Week 13 - Phew!

Phew! This week kind of felt like 100 years, but all in all it went well! I'll just jump right in!! :)

-On Tuesday, we helped the Famille Vilbrun move! They're a reaallyy cute Haitian couple with an adorable little boy and a baby girl on the way! I love them so much, and I'm super sad because they moved outside of our area, which means only the Elders can visit them now :( But its a good thing for them, theyre moving into a really nice apartment in a pretty good area, so Im excited for them :) Theyre a really good example for me. Soeur Vilbrun actually has the Zika virus, and the doctors were really worried about that being dangerous for the baby. But they are so faithful-- Frère Vilbrun gave her a blessing, and they said they know, without a doubt, that God will protect the baby and heal Soeur Vilbrun also. I could definitely use a little more faith in miracles in my life! 

-On Wednesday, we got to use the Elder's bikes in the morning because they had to borrow our truck! That was SUPER fun, I love being on bikes! Unfortunately the gears ruined my pants, but I guess you take what you can get, haha :)

-On Thursday night while Soeur Krucher was inside taking a shower, I was sitting on our little balcony writing in my journal, when this HUGE, evil bug flew onto the table!! I decided to abandon the journal writing and go do the dishes inside instead, haha!! When Soeur Krucher came out of the shower, she went on the balcony and screamed, and ran inside and yelled, "Ma Soeur!! There's a HORRIBLE bug outside!!!" So we grabbed the heaviest French grammar books we could find in the apartment and smashed the bug! Soeur Krucher tried to run back inside for another book, to really kill it, but she ran right into the sliding glass door haha!! That was a pretty hilarious moment. Haha, in short, the bug is no longer with us, but Soeur Krucher and I are safe :)

-On Friday night, the Elders called us to say that the whole mission has EXCITING NEWS: Each companionship can now share a SMARTPHONE!!!! We got them today and can start using them tomorrow after we have a special training!! I'm super excited, because a lot of the people we meet don't have phone plans to text and call, but can use WhatsApp-- so now we'll be able to reach a LOT more people, use Gospel Library in lessons, and really move the work forward!! I'm super thankful for that :)

-Saturday was an AMAZING day!! We stayed at the church almost the whole time haha! In the morning, we got to watch a broadcast of President Nelson speaking to the Dominican Republic missionaries! He gave us some wonderful advice, and I truly got a lot from it. It really gave me the strength to press forward and work hard! 
After the little conference, we ran to a food truck to buy lunch, and came back to the church for a baptism!! That was a little funny, because the woman who was baptized, Rénèe-Lise, is probably over 6 feet tall- super well built! And the man who bapzed her is an adorable old man who's shorter than me haha. Needless to say, it took three tries until she was fully immerged in the water haha! But I'm so happy for her! I dont know her all that well as she's not in out area, but she is truly a wonderful person with an incredible testimony.
Then, in the evening, we got to listen to President Nelson again, this time speaking to all the members! Again, I got lots from that. He really emphasized the importance of keeping the commandments. I know that's true; I've found that the days where I do my best to be exactly obedient, I see a lot more miracles and have the Spirit with me more fully.
After that, as Soeur Krucher and I were locking up the church, we found a poor little hummingbird stuck inside the sacrament room! We tried for about 20 minutes to help him, and finally he got so exhausted that he rested on a broom and we could run him outside! I'm so relieved that he's okay now! :)

-Today, all the kids are going back to school! LOTS of traffic and excitement!

This next week we get to go on exchanges, this time to Guadeloupe!! That'll be from Wednesday til Friday! I'm really excited to explore that island a little and meet the sisters and people there! :)

Sorry this email was so long! Thank you everyone for your support, I love each and every one of you! Have a wonderful week :)


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