Week 9 - A Week of Unfortunate (and hilarious) Events!

Hello all!!! I hope you've enjoyed the week! 

This week for me has been really good! We've had time to do a lot of contacting and have also had several really amazing lessons. We had an incredible lesson with an older man named Charles on Tuesday. He already seems to have a lot of love for the Book of Mormon and is really hungry to know the truth and the fulness of the Gospel!! I felt the Spirit so so strongly in that lesson, Soeur Krucher and I did a happy dance with the member who came with us, Soeur Virginie, on the way out of the apartment complex haha :)

The rest of the week was good, we found quite a few really cool people who we had some great discussions with. Saturday was the really interesting day though...

It actually started on Friday night when our power went out in the middle of the night. No power means no AC, which made it really hard to sleep well because it was like a sauna haha. Luckily the power came back on in the early morning though, so it wasn't too big of a problem :)

Later that day, were getting ready to leave the apartment complex we had just done some contacting in, when the key to our truck (whose name is Bruce, by the way) wouldn't turn. I tried it a million times, and we said a prayer, but it still refused to work. We decided there must be someone else we had to meet, so we marched back into the complex on the hunt for someone to talk to! We ended up running into a young woman who we taught a lesson to about a month ago but lost contact with, so we were able to do a follow up with her! Thinking that was the person we needed to meet, we walked back to the car, positive that it would work now. But, it didn't!! So we prayed again, and felt like there must be one more person to meet. Back into the complex we went! The very first door we knocked on was opened by a sweet woman holding the most precious brand new baby in her arms. We shared a little of the message with her, and she invited us in to teach the Restoration! We learned she has 4 other children as well, and she told us in the lesson that she's recently been looking for which church is the right one on the Earth. I know that she was the reason our key wouldn't work and that was God's way of leading us to meet this woman. So that was a super awesome experience :)

But then, as we got back into the car (after we finally got the key to work-- apparently you just have to turn it SO hard that is almost breaks haha), Soeur Krucher's back started hurting REALLY bad. We think it's because of her bag and that she might have a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle. We called the Zone Leaders, and we all went to the church so that Soeur Krucher could have a blessing. We called the mission nurse and she gave us some advice, and luckily Soeur Krucher is doing a little better now!

And THEN, once we were in for the night studying, our fan we had running just decided to EXPLODE! I have nooo idea what on Earth happened, but the top part with the blades just exploded and pieces flew all over the room!! Maybe it had something to do with the power outage the night before, and luckily none of the pieces hurt us. But it scared the LIFE out of me!! Soeur Krucher and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing hahaha. Life here in the misison in always eventful!!

Anyway, I'm grateful for each of you! I hope you all have a great week and soak in the last few weeks of summer!!!

Soeur Gardner


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